Manifest That Shit! Crystal Water Bottle and Tea Infuser


Buy our signature Manifest That Shit! Crystal Water Bottle

14 ounce double walled water bottle and tea infuser suitable for hot or cold drinks. It comes with a sleeve to use with hot beverages. This bottle has two sections: one section for the beverage of your choice and a section at the bottom for the crystals of your choice. The infuser can be used for tea or fruit! This bottle is ideal for everyday use and for making moon water!

We've picked out the perfect crystal blend for your manifestation needs:

Rose Quartz:
Rose Quartz is a gentle and nurturing crystal known for its properties of love, compassion, and emotional healing. With its soft pink hue, it opens and heals the heart chakra, fostering self-love, deepening relationships, and encouraging forgiveness. Rose Quartz promotes emotional balance and inner peace, soothing emotional wounds, reducing stress, and cultivating a sense of harmony. It has a calming energy that supports self-care practices, self-acceptance, and setting healthy boundaries. Rose Quartz is believed to enhance empathy, promote understanding, and attract love and positive relationships into one's life, making it a cherished stone for matters of the heart.

Amethyst is a powerful and versatile crystal known for its properties of spiritual growth, protection, and mental clarity. With its stunning purple color, it stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, enhancing intuition, spiritual awareness, and connection to higher realms. Amethyst is a stone of calmness and balance, assisting in relieving stress, anxiety, and promoting a peaceful state of mind. It is believed to aid in meditation, helping to quiet the mind, deepen spiritual insights, and access higher levels of consciousness. Amethyst also offers protection from negative energies, purifies one's aura, and supports the development of inner wisdom and spiritual growth. It is highly regarded for its ability to enhance clarity, focus, and mental sharpness, making it a favored crystal for enhancing concentration, memory, and decision-making abilities.

Green Aventurine:
Green Aventurine is often associated with attracting abundance and prosperity, making it a popular crystal for manifesting financial opportunities. Its vibrant green color resonates with the energy of growth and abundance, stimulating a positive mindset and attracting good luck. Green Aventurine is believed to enhance one's ability to take action and make decisions that lead to financial success. It assists in recognizing and seizing opportunities, attracting wealth and abundance, and increasing one's overall sense of financial well-being. Additionally, this crystal can help release any limiting beliefs or blockages related to money, fostering a mindset of abundance and allowing one to tap into their full potential for financial growth.

With its lush green color, it resonates with the heart chakra, promoting emotional well-being, compassion, and balance. Green Aventurine is believed to attract prosperity and good fortune, opening doors to opportunities and enhancing luck in various aspects of life. It is a stone of optimism and positivity, supporting personal growth, self-confidence, and motivation. Green Aventurine is also known for its ability to dissipate negative emotions, calm anxiety, and provide a sense of tranquility. It can assist in releasing old patterns and emotional blockages, encouraging emotional healing and inner harmony. Additionally, it is a popular crystal for promoting vitality, physical well-being, and overall health.

Clear Quartz:
Clear Quartz is a versatile and powerful crystal known for its properties of clarity, amplification, and healing. It is often referred to as the "Master Healer" due to its ability to amplify energy and intentions. Clear Quartz resonates with all chakras, making it highly versatile for energy work and spiritual practices. It is believed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration, aiding in decision-making and problem-solving. Clear Quartz can also amplify the effects of other crystals and energies, making it an essential component in crystal grids and healing layouts. It has a purifying energy that helps to cleanse and align the aura, as well as dispel negative energies or blockages. Clear Quartz is associated with spiritual growth and can facilitate connections with higher realms, enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness. It is a valuable tool for meditation, energy healing, and manifestation!

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